Red America Consulting is a team with combined experience of 123 years as political, design and marketing professionals.
Don Rosenberg, Founder and President
Don Rosenberg started his business career on his 22nd birthday and the day of his graduation from the University of Virginia by starting his first record store in his home town of Roanoke, Virginia. He went on to build a chain of 15 record, tape, CD and DVD stores in North Carolina and Virginia called The Record Exchange. Total sales over 27 years exceeded $100 million. During that time he honed his skills in management, public relations, marketing, graphic design, social media, and public speaking. His third book, “Sixty Seconds to an UNFORGETTABLE Elevator Speech” came from his networking experience in the music business and beyond.
When Obamacare was first proposed he got involved in the Tea Party movement in his home town of Charlotte, NC and became active, first with local politics and then on national projects. They include…
Founder and President, Red America Consulting
Eastern U.S. Volunteer Coordinator, CarsonAmerica
Campaign Manager, Frank DeCarlo for U.S. Senate
Southern Region Technology Director, Draft Ben Carson for President
National Media Coordinator – ”Buddy Roemer for President 2012”
National Leadership Team – “GOOOH –Get Out of Our House”
Don reached out to similar-minded Conservative politicos and founded Red America Consulting as a way to encourage exceptional candidates like Dr. Carson to run for public office without having to be a captive of the Establishment or be independently wealthy. He say, “You shouldn’t have to be rich to run for office and serve your country.”
Steve Arnold – Director of Client Development
Steve is Vice President of Development, SNDC, LLC, established in 2008 as a political consulting firm providing services to candidates in North Carolina races.
Over his 25 year political career he has managed staff and volunteers and has overseen services including phone banking, walk lists, direct mailing list services, organizing and planning successful fundraisers, robocall services, email fundraising services, website production and fundraising, policy advising, speech-writing services, communications and media relations, graphic design, grassroots volunteer organization, and FEC and State Board of Elections campaign reporting.
Candidates represented include Congressional, State Senate and House, and local elected officials, such as City Council, County Commission, and Sheriff.
In 2015-2016 he worked with the Run Ben Run / 2016 Committee to draft Dr. Ben Carson for President as the Director of the Southeast region.
Political offices held…
Guilford County Commissioner, District 2, 1991-2010 (5 terms, Chairman, 1992; Vice Chairman, 2010)
North Carolina General Assembly, Raleigh, NC, 1989-1991 (1 term)
High Point City Councilman, 1985-1989 (2 terms)
Dennis Jamison – Co-Founder
Dennis organized a nationwide team of over 150 volunteer editors, writers, and administrative staff volunteers composing an integrated writer’s network to promote and to protect Dr. Ben Carson during his campaign. John Philip Sousa IV, the impetus behind the draft Carson effort called the endeavor a “genuine grassroots effort.”
As an instructor at a California Community College, Jamison is an effective public speaker, and is able to provide professional assistance in speech writing, clear political messaging and public persuasiveness. Additionally, as a college level history instructor and published writer, Jamison helps provide candidates with a historical perspective relative to contemporary public policy as well as a grounding in Conservative messaging.
Founder – “We the People” Network of citizen journalists – 2016
Founder – Citizen Sentinels Network (formerly Seasoned Sentinels Project) – 2014
2016 Committee for Dr. Ben Carson for President – Editorial Team Leader – 2014 – 2016
Tea Party activities in Santa Clara County, Ca – 2008 – 2010
Ground team activities, phone bank work in Kentucky to elect Gov. Brereton Jones – 1991
Campus organizing activities at Univ. of Maryland, Howard Univ., George Washington Univ, and American Univ. 1983 – 1987
US BiCentennial volunteer work in Washington, DC – 1976
Door to door ground game campaign and phone campaign – local issues in Iowa – 1968
Suzanne Cruz – Senior Account Manager
Suzanne has worked with a variety of campaigns and causes, from local smaller county elections in the State of California to larger ones like the Ben Carson Campaign. Most recently she worked in the state of Pennsylvania on the Donald Trump Campaign. Suzanne spent the summer of 2016 working for the prestigious Leadership Institute, located near Washington D.C, which has trained thousands of Conservatives over its 40 year history training politicians how to win.
Suzanne has over a decade of law enforcement experience which gives her that fight to win spirit. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Administration and graduated with honors. Her other credentials include business woman, author and currently non-profit CEO. Suzanne Brings a wealth of information to the table and most of all, she loves helping good Conservative people win!
Kelvin D. Curtis, Senior Strategist
Born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with over six years of public service experience, Kelvin has the passion and focus to make the United States of America a better place to live for all Americans.
Currently residing in Charleston, South Carolina, Kelvin quickly became a rising political star in that state in only four years. In 2015, Kelvin was the pinnacle political activist in the successful bid to resist the South Carolina State Legislature’s proposal to increase the gas tax. Along with Americans for Prosperity South Carolina, Kelvin led the grassroots canvass teams informing South Carolina taxpayers of the true reason why their public servants wanted to raise the gas tax.
6/17 – 9/17 Rouzy Vafaie S.C. District 113 State Representative Campaign Charleston/Dorchester County Public Policy Advisor/Grassroots Director
3/15 – 3/16 The 2016 Committee PAC – Win Ben Win Greenville, SC South Carolina Regional Director
10/13 – 11/14 Charleston County School Board Campaign Charleston County North Area Candidate
7/13 – 6/17 Americans for Prosperity – South Carolina Charleston/Berkeley/Dorchester Counties South Carolina Regional Activist
7/13 – 11/13 Billy Shuman for S.C. District 42 State Senate Campaign Charleston/Berkeley County Field Representative
1/13 – 8/15 Lowcountry Young Republicans Charleston, SC Executive Leadership Committee/Secretary
8/12 – 11/12 Roshawn Banks for Circuit Judge Campaign Broward County, Florida Campaign Manager
Jerry Moses, Director of TeleMarketing
Jerry started JM Promotions, Inc. in 1995 and developed it into a successful database marketing company. His years of experience with targeted leads and tele-marketing makes him a perfect choice for our polling, automated calling and telephone survey applications.
Ben Rice, Senior Staff
As a former Marine, Ben Rice believes in God, Country, Corps when it comes to serving this great nation.
Since being involved in campaign politics since volunteering for a local campaign in 1990, Ben has made it his passion to learn the art of campaigning and working for principled candidates. Whether it was starting the only Young Republican chapter in Franklin County, Pa., or developing a ground game for the first time mayoral candidate who would unseat an incumbent, Ben continues to strive to learn new ways of planning, organizing and executing the most efficient and effective way to winning a political race.
Political Experience
2014 – Assisted Art Holvorson for Congress in the 9th Congressional District in Pa
2013 – Managed successful campaign for Darren Brown in Chambersburg Pa, unseating a liberal incumbant
2012 – Worked with FreedomWorks and other Conservative organizations to support Tom Smith for Senate
2010 – Present Franklin County Republican Committee Committeeperson –
Represent Repubalican voters of Chambersburg 3 – 1 to the county committee
2009 – Present Pennsylvania Young Republicans Federation Regional Director –
South Central – East, responsible for the expansion of the YR into counties without chapters
2007 – Present Franklin County Young Republicans Chairman, Started the first
Young Republican Chapter in Franklin County
2011 – Matt Fogal for District Attorney Committee
2011 – Glenn Manns for Magisterial District Judge: Campaign Manager, Managed the day to day operation of a contested open seat for MDJ
2009 – 2010 Toomey for Senate: Franklin County Grassroots Coordinator, From Pat Toomey’s early effort to combat the moderate Republican faction, who wanted to back Arlen Specter, to the end of the campaign, I dedicated my life to winning the election. Franklin County turned out 74% for Toomey and offset the Southeast part of the state
2007 – Thomas/Keller County Commissioner Campaign: Assisted in 72 hour GOTV efforts for Republican County Commissioner Race
2004 – Pat Toomey for Senate Campaign: Assisted the county coordinator in organizing campaign efforts in Franklin County
2000 – Bush/Cheney Campaign: Door to Door, phone banking, and literature drops and handouts
Leadership Institute, Campaign Manager School (2012), Campaign School (2010. 2011), Director Mail/Advanced Direct Mail School (2011).
Lisa Bacchi – Graphic Design, Social Media
Lisa Bacchi has worked as a volunteer with various political groups providing graphic art and video editing, with an ability that comes very natural. She has provided content for dozens of radio/podcast and continues to help with her talents.
Having run her own small business for from 2001 – 2012, Lisa understands personal responsibility is key to success. She strives to help others that share conservative values with the same emphases.
Shari Newton – Project Consultant
Shari’s education, career, and life has been focused on helping and serving others. She has a B.S. degree in Therapeutic Recreation and a M.S. degree in Health and Fitness Management. She has worked in the health and fitness area with large corporations and with United States Air Force.
While raising her son, she continued to take volunteer lead positions in the public-school system and developed programs such as the Community Health and Safety Fair and Science Fair.
She believes in giving back to the community. She spent over 4 years with the Northwest Disaster and Search Dog team, certified her dog through Pet Partners and has visited wheelchair and bed bound seniors for 11 years.
She has been involved in politics over the last three years by being the WA State Director for the 2016 Committee for Dr. Ben Carson, becoming a PCO, monitoring local election voting sites, and serving as a campaign manager for a variety of local candidates. She developed the first conservative booth representation at the July 4th Naturalization Ceremony in downtown Seattle.